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281 Karangahape Rd Auckland

Hirini Moko Mead

Tikanga Māori: Living by Māori Values


'Relationships between and among people need to be managed and guarded by some rules.'

Professor Hirini Moko Mead's comprehensive survey of tikanga Māori is the most substantial of its kind. Ranging from topics of the everyday to the esoteric, it provides a breadth of perspectives and authoritative commentary on the principles and practice of tikanga Māori, past and present.   

Areas discussed include social structures and groupings, the tapu–noa principle, protocol of the marae, welcome ceremonies, mourning ceremonies, tikanga of settlement and ritual confiscation, gift-giving etiquette, relationships between identity and land, tikanga of karakia, childbirth, guidelines for proper behaviour, knowledge acquisition and retention, wellbeing, creativity and performance, and protocol for places we live and work.